Ask the athletes…

Our references are our athletes, for the past 5 years we are the number 1 in the Benelux in having athletes in the Ironman worlds, Hawaii and simply in winning races in triathlon, cycling and running.

Jesse van Nieuwenhuyse


I would like to begin by expressing my gratitude for having taken me to Kona. You know it has been a dream for me! I am really happy and motivated for the next block on my way to Kona!

DANIEL CRISTA – PROFESSIONAL CYCLIST (ROMANIA) – Bronze medal Europeans Track Cycling

Working with Jesse is a great experience because I never had a coach that wanted to talk with me every day about my feelings! Was good that he knows exactly when to put me in the peak form! But the best part was that I had very good form all year long! In every race I was at my best!


Hard work easy off!” During my first intake conversation I had a good feeling with Jesse. He knew what he was talking about and he got several athlete’s to proof that. I never did lactate testing but this helped me to train in the correct zones. My goal is to go to Kona one day and around 8months ago we started to work on this goal. Since then I had several PR’s with the Ironman in Hamburg as absolute Highlight. Here I went 40min faster. I hade some hurdles on the way but Jesse adapted the training accordingly and build my fitness to perform on race day. He is also a coach that is always available when you need him and there is interaction almost every week what is important to me. He also says when you are going to hard, to ease down and keep training according to given schedule, so it’s not always pressure on. There are also group sessions and is a fun way to meet other athletes and get the training in. I am very satisfied working with Jesse and if we keep working togheter I am confident that one day I will be there at the start of Kona and who knows what other result we can accomplish. Dream big! 


I’ll start from this year’s results: Being coached by Jesse I became a stronger swimmer and set my PB on the bike leg and qualifying for Kona twice (2019 and 2020), at the last qualifying race (IM Arizona) I saw a progress on the running leg. It all began in November 2018. By then, I was not looking for just a coach but for someone who could help me to make a big change.

I found out that one of Kona AG champions, Sam Gyde is coached by Jesse and I was lucky to join the squad. From the very first sessions I felt like Jesse knew me better than myself! I was surprised how smooth and consistent the training plan was. Jesse not only follows the execution of the training plan but also he never sleeps while his athletes race, no matter time zone(!!!). Imagine how enthusiastic he is!And after all he is a very nice guy!!!

“Hard work pays off! Consistency and dedication lead to successes. In long distance racing there are no secrets, hitting the right volumes and intensities on training results in great racingweeks! Finally it was former Ironman-pro Clerbout who took the win in Vichy, and it’s still an honour to finish closely behind him!”
For me it was a dream coming true finishing on the podium of an Ironman, 3 years after my first full distance triathlon!
My DNF in Poznan, gave me a mental boost. I had to race hard to save the season! Physical shape is 1 thing, mental resistance is another big issue in triathlon!
Th 70.3 world champs initially were my main goal, but I had to change this a bit because of my DNF in Poznan. The race was only 2 weeks after Vichy and I felt that a little bit on the runcourse. If I have to pick: FULL distance!
I never speak in advance, just enjoy training (despite the bad weather in wintertime), handle the volumes and sometimes go into robotmode. To perform I have to stay healthy, both physically and mentally and then…game is on!


I am very proud of my past season and like to look back on it!
Racing in Kasterlee was my maingoal, and winning ‘the hell van Kasterlee’ was a dream coming true! The fact that I am becoming stronger each year comes through my training regime!
My goal in Zürich is to get to the finishline and try to enjoy my race! What I fear the most is the marathon in the end!
It will be both physically and mentally a tough exercise during the race, I will need to be prepared for this!
I would like to go on like this, with nice race in which I can perform on a good level!
In Kasterlee I want to battle once more and I would like to get a slot for the IM70.3 world championships in 2019! They will be held in Nice (France)


I am looking back at past 2 seasons very happy, I realised performances which I am very happy about!
My background is in soccer, and it was through my wife that I came into contact with running and racing. I have always been quite competitive, always looking for the best results. My sister in law brought me in contact with the multisport races, after doing some duathlonraces, the cycling mainly didn’t go the way I wanted it to go. So I went looking for improvement. Professional coaching was a logical step for me, I didn’t want to follow ‘computer-made-schedules’. My shape now is better than ever before and as a rookie in the sport I already have quite some nice results on championships!
My daily routine and structure has changed quite a lot, and this was needed to be at the level I am right now! Sometimes I have to plan very well, but despite the hours of training, the intensity of training also I don’t suffer from fatigue or injuries. All is planned very well, and built up properly!

Upcoming season I have set mainly the same goals as last year, and I hope to get on the AG podium where it is possible! I believe that despite the fact you get older, it doesn’t affect performance that much if you train on a balanced way like I do right now!
My dream is to make things come true on raceday, and I believe you are the perfect coach to help and advice me in that perspective!


Ik apprecieerde vooral de wisselwerking tussen trainer en atleet. Op die manier vond ik dat je in mijn trainingsschema’s rekening hield met wat ik als atleet graag deed, met mijn persoonlijke ervaringen op trainingsvlak en met mijn doelstellingen. Hierdoor kon ik me steeds vinden in de vooropgestelde trainingen, maar tegelijk legde je dan ook jou persoonlijke accenten die me beter maakten als atleet, maar die ik soms minder leuk vond als training. Toch, door het goede evenwicht hierin lukte het voor mij wel om de trainingen vol te houden. Verder denk ik niet dat ik veel dezelfde trainingen heb gedaan wat getuigd dat je steeds voor voldoende afwisseling zorgde. Ook zorgde je steeds ook voor een goede mentale coaching wat voor een topsporter vaak belangrijker is dan een trainingsschema. Ik denk hierbij vooral aan het benadrukken van een goed evenwicht tussen rust en training, wat vaak een zeer moeilijke balans voor sporters is.

Klaas werd tijdens zijn volledige professionele loopbaan zowel bij Anchor-Bridgestone als Crelan-Euphony begeleid door ons.


The intensities in my long training sessions were always too high. Because of that I was always fatigued. When the season started, I suffered a stressfracture. When we started working together we just had 5 months to prepare for my first ironman. Since now my training intensities are in balance, I can train more and harder then I ever did without injuries or overtraining. The biggest change was that I trained the right intensity at the right time.

I was very confident for my first ironman. The last 6 weeks before the race were very hard but I felt I was getting stronger every day. I was in the best shape of my life and we made a realistic raceplan. It was very satisfying to finish my first ironman under 9h30 after this difficult year.

My number one goal is enjoying doing my passion every day. Focusing on my training sessions and getting better step by step. One day I hope to go sub 9h.


I’ve been with Jesse since November 2016 It’s been great working with Jesse.  I have become a better athlete overall.  I’ve become a faster runner and my bike strength
has greatly improved as well.  I’ve been able to do training sessions i didn’t know i was capable of doing 🙂   I really like how he
supports my desire to do branch out a bit and do things like cross-country skiing, mountain biking and cyclocross racing.
One of my big dreams is to make it to Kona some day, but I would also love to do events like the Swissman, Norseman or Inferno Triathlon.
A big mountain bike event like the Western 100 also really intrigues me.

I started working with Jesse in the summer of 2015 after my first attempt on the iron distance in Frankfurt. I wanted to hire a coach for the 2016 season but ending up in hospital after Frankfurt made me decide to do it more soon. I will always remember my first training set with Jesse. A 22k LSD run was planned. Not bad as a starter.. The big difference was that I had to run it 10-20bpm lower than I used to. It took me approx. 2h30 in the woods. What was I thinking ..  During winter 2015-2016 things started to work out. I could get my first victory’s and podiums in running races and duathlon. Of course this gave me a mental boost. Every time my month program is there on time and they really never where the same. Also when things didn’t worked out as planned Jesse was there to replan in no time. This made the “quite huge workload” manageable with daily life. Even after a long season with more training hours than I ever did before I didn’t have one problem or injury. This proofs that Jesse has got it right. I can summarize Jesse’s approach to training as a lot “white” endurance training with the right amount of “black” speed work and power just at the right/personal intensity and not too much in the “grey” zone which I think is a favourite one of those training in a wrong way. It’s nice to be the best of a sunday bunch of cyclist but I prefer to do it come raceday. Also the winter group session pleased me a lot even though I use to do most of the training on my own. Nice to see how Jesse pays attention to every level in the group.

The victory’s really came as a surprise to me. Next season will bring me back to 70.3 Mallorca and IM Frankfurt which dates and courses fits me best.  Just like most triathletes the ultimate goal is KONA. But I’m patient!

I have nothing but good things to say about working with Jesse! He took the time in the beginning to get to know me as an athlete, and then each month put a plan in place that would maximize my success both short term and long term. Over the past several months I have improved significantly as a triathlete and this is due in large part because of Jesse. He helped bring me to the next level to where I now feel as if I’m ready to make a run at a Kona slot. Jesse always makes himself available via email and Skype, and will modify the training schedule with very little notice. Jesse is 100 percent committed to his athletes – I could not ask for more from a coach!


      I began working with Jesse in May, 2015. He was introduced to me by fellow coached athlete, Sam Gyde. I was intrigued by his “Train Smart, Perform Better” philosophy. Earlier in the year, I was constantly getting sick, experiencing extreme fatigue and not recovering from workouts. It was time for a change!

To date my experience working with Jesse has been a very positive one. Jesse is a versatile coach who understands his athletes individual needs in context to their lifestyle.
When Jesse and I first began working together, we were playing a bit of the game “catch-up”. After a difficult spring and my first race(s) in the horizon, we worked closely to best prepare me in 4 weeks. Jesse, not knowing me or how my body would respond to the workload would check-in daily with me to ensure I was on track, not injured and sustaining good energy levels.
In less than 4 weeks, Jesse helped to tune me up, and the results were better than ever anticipated. With such a short preparation, I was hopeful for a sub 10hr. Jesse brought me to a new PB of 9:26 at IronMedoc. Fast-forward 3 months and 3 victories were are finally starting to build fitness. At present, I am feeling in the best shape of my life and it continues to get better. Jesse and I continue to see progress in all that I do. Prior to getting into Ironman, I always considered myself a runner who never really had a chance to realize my potential. To that point, my 1/2 marathon PB is a 1:24, on little training in the spring of 2011. The last year, I was unimpressed with my running and wasn’t enjoying it. Jesse has been able to dial in the run for me and I am hitting splits in training that I thought were unimaginable. I’ve got high hopes for my run as Jesse and I continue to work together in the future.

 I’ve been travelling a lot already this year, and the journey continues! All the travel is fatiguing, but Jesse does a great job of balancing my race calendar, rest and training blocks. I’d be lying if I would say I’m not fatigued right now. At present, I’m 4 weeks in to a 5 week block, at home, in Southern Ontario, Canada. However, it is a manageable fatigue that as a pro athlete we deal with day-in and day-out, and just deal with, which is distinct from chronic fatigue caused from overtraining. In fact since I have been working with Jesse, I have received many compliments from family and friends how much healthier and less tired I look since we’ve been working together. I would agree 🙂 Jesse distributes races, recovery and training well. The training blocks are very tough, but I also take great satisfaction when I execute them well and it builds confidence for upcoming races. So, I don’t mind the hard training when I know I can enjoy the rewards afterwards, and Jesse gives me a well-deserved break before we have to get down to business again! Coming up, Jesse and I are chasing back to back podium finishes at Triath’long Royan (Half-distance), September, 5th and Challenge Almere, September 12th. This combination is a bit crazy, but we attempted in June, a full then half combination, and it was successful. So we are hoping the reverse will be too!We are still finalizing my calendar for the reminder of the year, but Ocean Lava, Lanzarote, Spain, Challenge-Half, Ixtapa, Mexico, and Ironman Cozumel look promising.


 I have enjoyed this year a lot. The training has been varied, challenging and always fun!
I don’t feel like I have had the chance to show off all I have worked on this year and the improvement that I have made since my first long distance season of 2014 and since I am working with Jesse.
There is more to come for next year and we will soon sit down to sketch out the season and the goals for it.
Jesse’s support and guidance has been fantastic all along and has played a big role in keeping me focused on the big race and getting me there ready.


Na enkele jaren aan self-coaching doen toch de stap gemaakt om een ervaren deskundige te contacteren. Dit is na wat zoekwerk en informatie vergaren JesseVNCoaching geworden. We werken nu een jaar samen en dit is de beste stap die ik heb kunnen zetten om ten volle van mijn sport te kunnen genieten zonder mezelf af te vragen of ik nu wel goed of slecht bezig ben. Ik kan me nu volledig op mijn sport toeleggen. Beter dan een stel nieuwe wielen of een nieuwe fiets.

Na een jaar samenwerken met JesseVNCoaching vraag ik me af waarom ik dit niet eerder heb gedaan. Als je aan selfcoaching doet is het zeer moeilijk om jezelf steeds kritisch te beoordelen. Met deze samenwerking is het gedaan met af te vragen of je nu wel goed bezig bent. Jesse is even gedreven en gefocust in zijn rol als coach als ik in de rol van wielrenner. Samenwerken is hier dan ook zeer letterlijk te nemen. Ik geef mijn ervaringen van de wedstrijden/trainingen door, Jesse beoordeelt en analyseert de gegevens en past indien nodig aan. Zowel de trainingen alsook raadgevingen. Het is een zalige interactie tussen atleet en coach. Dat is toch een gemis wanneer men aan selfcoaching doet. Het is niet altijd rozengeur en maneschijn want de coach is rechtuit. Daar hou ik wel van. Niet rond de pot draaien. Goed is goed, slecht is slecht. De echte meerwaarde is de uitleg die je hierbij krijgt.

Ik ga het 9de jaar als amateur wielrenner in en zoek dit nog lang door te trekken. Mijn doelen voor dit jaar zijn nog enkele koersen bij de masters en de monstertijdrit winnen. Dankzij de samenwerking blijkt dat ik een all-round renner ben en rittenkoersen zouden me goed moeten liggen. Daar gaan we ons nu ook wat meer op focussen. Het mooie aan sport is ook nog dat we gezonder door het leven gaan en ik hoop nog heel lang van deze sport te mogen genieten. Misschien is dat nog wel het grootste doel.


Ik heb Jesse gecontacteerd eind augustus 2014, anderhalve maand voor IM Hawaii. De samenwerking met mijn vorige coach stond op een laag pitje en ik had een vervelende kuitblessure opgelopen. IM Kona kwam met rasse schreden dichterbij en ik wou daar toch graag deelnemen en indien mogelijk nog een redelijk resultaat neerzetten. Het waren vooral de betrokkenheid en de positieve ingesteldheid met focus op de atleet die me tijdens de eerste weken van samenwerken enorm veel heeft geholpen.

Hier kan ik een hele waslijst opsommen – allemaal positief uiteraard maar ik zal me beperken tot 3 essentiële zaken:
– proactieve planning: de combinatie van werk en sport is niet evident en het is handig als je ruim op voorhand weet waar je tijd moet voorzien. Elke maand staat een draft planning klaar waar ik me naar kan richten.
– bijsturing en feedback: Jesse stopt uiteraard niet bij de planning en volgt zeer goed op hoe die wordt uitgevoerd en stuurt bij indien nodig. Hier ligt uiteraard ook een grote verantwoordelijkheid van de atleet die alle workouts logt in Trainingpeaks en eventueel voorziet van commentaar. De feedback en communicatie werkt naadloos in 2 richtingen en ik heb echt gevoel dat er steeds iemand met kennis van zaken en een objectief beeld aan mijn zijde staat.
– persoonlijkheid: dit is een zeer subjectieve ervaring maar ik wil ze toch vermelden want dit is voor mij toch een van de belangrijkste aspecten bij een coach. Jesse is rechtuit, down to earth en realistisch maar vooral enorm betrokken bij zijn atleten en voor mij is dit  de perfecte mix!

Verder met volle goesting aan triatlon doen en hopelijk nog een paar mooie resultaten neer zetten is mijn dooel. Dit jaar staan IM South Africa, IronMan Tremblant (Canada) en hopelijk IronMan Kona op de agenda.

JAN MEYSMANS – DUATHLETE (BELGIUM) 4*AG world champion and 2* European champion

Jesse werkt zeer nauwgezet, speelt kort op de bal en heeft oog voor elk detail in de trainingsopbouw. Hij is een sterke motivator (als ‘coach’ is hij immers meer dan enkel ‘trainer’) en is voor een belangrijke wedstrijd van zijn atleten vaak zenuwachtiger dan de atleet zelf. Maar wat ik het meest waardeer, is dat het behalen van resultaten gerealiseerd wordt binnen het kader van gezond en verantwoord trainen. Daarenboven is Jesse een buffone, is hij de grootste fan van Gianluca Bortolami en kan hij net als Bortolami 8x ‘cazzo’ zeggen in een halve minuut.

We gaan alvast voor top 20 en agegrouppodia op het WK LD duatlon en Powerman duatlons, top 15 en agegrouppodia op heuvelachtige halve triatlons en wie weet misschien in de toekomst op een volledige triatlon op bergachtig terrein.


Mijn doel is bereikt. DE IRONMAN…. Ik wil je dan ook enorm bedanken om mijn sportieve droom waar te maken!
Door jou heb ik deze tot een goed einde gebracht en ook van kunnen genieten!


Ik ga nu het tweede jaar in met de vakkundige begeleiding van Jesse nv sport coaching en de samenwerking verloopt prima.Ook de communicatie verloopt prima. Als er vragen zijn kan ik altijd bij mijn coach terecht

Ik merkte al vlug op dat ik met iemand te maken had die weet dat hij met een jeugdrenner bezig is. De trainingen zijn verantwoorde trainingen die perfect afgestemd zijn op mij als jeugdrenner.De feedback is er dagelijks tussen coach en mezelf maar ook tussen mijn ouders wat we zeer belangrijk vinden. Als er een aanpassing moet gebeuren merken we dit vlug in het professioneel programma van Trainingpeaks waar alle gegevens onderling worden doorgestuurd..

Wat doelstellingen betreft is het voor mij belangrijk dat ik rustig verder kan groeien zoals ik nu bezig ben. Ik voel mij goed bij Jesse zijn trainingen. Wat uitslagen betreft is volgens de coach minder belangrijk omdat ik dit jaar eerste jaar junior ben. Nu is het een kwestie van kijken, luisteren en vooral veel bijleren. Mooie uitslagen zijn natuurlijk mooi meegenomen en die zijn er al begin dit seizoen.


Working with Jesse is a great experience because I never had a coach that wanted to talk with me every day about my feelings! Was good that he knows exactly when to put me in the peak form! But the best part was that I had very good form all year long! In every race I was at my best!

 Je suis les entraînements de Jesse depuis le mois de mai 2014 environ. Avec Jesse j’ai trouvé un coach attentif à ses athlètes et à l’écoute. J’aime sa façon de travailler et le type d’entrainement. J’ai évolué en tant qu’athlète avec Jesse comme coach. J’ai pris confiance en moi et à mon potentiel.
Pour 2015, je souhaite me qualifier une seconde fois pour le mondial 70.3 où j ai pris en 2014 une 13 eme place dans ma catégorie Pour la suite je veux progresser sans cesse je ne me fixe pas de limite
Entretemps Raph s’est qualifié pour les CDM 70.3 2014-2015-2016 et les CDM Swimrun

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